Public High School
Goetheschule Ilmenau
Sep. 2009 - Jun. 2013
General University Entrance Qualification (Abitur, Grade 1.2)
- Taking additional advanced courses in mathematics and natural sciences
- Graduation with best scores in advanced courses maths, physics, and informatics
- Writing of two term papers on ray tracing and compiler construction using C++
- Winning of several prizes in mathematical and physical olympiads
- Enthusiastic participation in the school's electronics club
Technical University Ilmenau
Oct. 2011 - Sep. 2012
Early Studies: Experimental Physics (1.0)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Oct. 2013 - Sep. 2017
B.Sc. Physics (1.7)
Bachelor thesis Generation of Irradiance Maps
(1.3) on caching the diffuse light distribution of a scene to enable real-time rendering using a ray tracer implemented in C++
Oct. 2015 - Sep. 2018
B.Sc. Mathematics (1.4)
- Specialization on theoretical informatics
- Bachelor thesis
Implementation of a Finite Element Method on a GPU
(1.0) on numerical solutions to the ideal wave equation on two-dimensional manifolds and its implementation in C++ on modern graphics processors using CUDA
Oct. 2017 - Mai 2020
M.Sc. Physics (1.1)
- Specialization on quantum and gravitational theory
- Master thesis
Design and Implementation of Vectorized Pseudorandom Number Generators and their Application to Simulations of Photon Propagation
(1.1) on exploiting SIMD capabilities of modern processors in C++ to speed up random number generation while providing a well-designed interface
since Oct. 2019
M.Sc. Mathematics
Computer Software Tools
10 years experience
Primarily specialized in graphics programming, numerical mathematics, and computational physics (N-Body Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Path Tracing, Pseudorandom Number Generators)
Development Experiences:- Standards: C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20
- Libraries: Boost, Doctest, Qt, SFML, OpenGL
- Concurrency: Threads, OpenMP, CUDA, SSE, AVX
- Compiler: GCC, Clang, Intel C++ Compiler, MinGW, MSVC
- Build Systems: Make, CMake, Ninja, qmake, build2
- Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS
- University Courses for Students
- Weekly C++ Workshop for Students
- Private Tutor for Single Persons
- build2
- build2-packaging
Further Languages
C, NASM, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Java
Further Tools
Git, Subversion, LaTeX, MkDocs, Gnuplot, Blender
Docker, CircleCI, GitHub Actions
Operating Systems
Linux, Windows
Web Design
HTML5, CSS3, Jekyll
- Driver's License
Work Experience
Fraunhofer ITWM Kaiserslautern: Competence Center High Performance Computing (CC HPC)
Sep. 2012
Implementation of a ray tracer in C++ accelerated by a BVH, created using Morton codes
Oct. 2013 - Jun. 2017
Research Assistant
- Improving knowledge and experience concerning program optimization in C++ and C, as well as compiler construction, computer hardware, parallel computing, and computer graphics
- Implementation of real-time ray tracers on CPU and GPU in C++ while using state-of-the-art procedures and professional tools, such as OpenGL, Qt, and CUDA
- Support of the development of a statistics-based analyzation tool for seismic data by implementing histograms, kernel density estimators and color tables in C++ by using Qt
- Implementation of a serialization and deserialization process in C++ to read and write the Wavefront OBJ file format
- Editing and revising of various scene models using Blender
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Oct. 2017 - Apr. 2018
Research/Teaching Assistant
- Seminar teacher
Mathematical Methods in Physics
- Creation of exercise sheets and sample solutions in LaTeX
- Setting up an automatically compiling, LaTeX-based database for execise sheets
Sep. 2018 and Oct. 2019
Course Instructor
- Elective introductory course for university students on C++ (6 hours a day for two weeks)
- Elective introductory course for university students on LaTeX (6 hours a day for one week)
ORISA Software GmbH
since Apr. 2020
Software Developer
Further Interests and Activities
Guitar, E-Guitar
- Playing for 12 years
- Participating multiple jam sessions
- Taking lessons every two weeks
- Giving private lessons
- Former member of semi-professional band
with official studio album