Markus Pawellek

Curriculum Vitae
Arvid-Harnack-Straße 12
Born on May 7th, 1995 in Meiningen, Germany


Public High School Goetheschule Ilmenau
Sep. 2009 - Jun. 2013

General University Entrance Qualification (Abitur, Grade 1.2)

  • Taking additional advanced courses in mathematics and natural sciences
  • Graduation with best scores in advanced courses maths, physics, and informatics
  • Writing of two term papers on ray tracing and compiler construction using C++
  • Winning of several prizes in mathematical and physical olympiads
  • Enthusiastic participation in the school's electronics club
Technical University Ilmenau
Oct. 2011 - Sep. 2012

Early Studies: Experimental Physics (1.0)

Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Oct. 2013 - Sep. 2017

B.Sc. Physics (1.7)

Bachelor thesis Generation of Irradiance Maps (1.3) on caching the diffuse light distribution of a scene to enable real-time rendering using a ray tracer implemented in C++

Oct. 2015 - Sep. 2018

B.Sc. Mathematics (1.4)

Oct. 2017 - Mai 2020

M.Sc. Physics (1.1)

since Oct. 2019

M.Sc. Mathematics


Computer Software Tools


10 years experience

Primarily specialized in graphics programming, numerical mathematics, and computational physics (N-Body Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Path Tracing, Pseudorandom Number Generators)

Development Experiences:
  • Standards: C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20
  • Libraries: Boost, Doctest, Qt, SFML, OpenGL
  • Concurrency: Threads, OpenMP, CUDA, SSE, AVX
  • Compiler: GCC, Clang, Intel C++ Compiler, MinGW, MSVC
  • Build Systems: Make, CMake, Ninja, qmake, build2
  • Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS
Teaching Experience:
  • University Courses for Students
  • Weekly C++ Workshop for Students
  • Private Tutor for Single Persons
Involvement in Open Source Projects:
  • build2
  • build2-packaging
Further Languages

C, NASM, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Java

Further Tools

Git, Subversion, LaTeX, MkDocs, Gnuplot, Blender


Docker, CircleCI, GitHub Actions

Operating Systems

Linux, Windows

Web Design

HTML5, CSS3, Jekyll








Work Experience

Fraunhofer ITWM Kaiserslautern: Competence Center High Performance Computing (CC HPC)
Sep. 2012


Implementation of a ray tracer in C++ accelerated by a BVH, created using Morton codes

Oct. 2013 - Jun. 2017

Research Assistant

  • Improving knowledge and experience concerning program optimization in C++ and C, as well as compiler construction, computer hardware, parallel computing, and computer graphics
  • Implementation of real-time ray tracers on CPU and GPU in C++ while using state-of-the-art procedures and professional tools, such as OpenGL, Qt, and CUDA
  • Support of the development of a statistics-based analyzation tool for seismic data by implementing histograms, kernel density estimators and color tables in C++ by using Qt
  • Implementation of a serialization and deserialization process in C++ to read and write the Wavefront OBJ file format
  • Editing and revising of various scene models using Blender
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Oct. 2017 - Apr. 2018

Research/Teaching Assistant

  • Seminar teacher Mathematical Methods in Physics
  • Creation of exercise sheets and sample solutions in LaTeX
  • Setting up an automatically compiling, LaTeX-based database for execise sheets
Sep. 2018 and Oct. 2019

Course Instructor

  • Elective introductory course for university students on C++ (6 hours a day for two weeks)
  • Elective introductory course for university students on LaTeX (6 hours a day for one week)
ORISA Software GmbH
since Apr. 2020

Software Developer

Further Interests and Activities


Guitar, E-Guitar

  • Playing for 12 years
  • Participating multiple jam sessions
  • Taking lessons every two weeks
  • Giving private lessons
  • Former member of semi-professional band headedge with official studio album

Kung Fu, Acrobatics, Juggling, Latin Tournament Dancing